Youngstown State University
Public University
Youngstown, Ohio
Speech Code Rating
The Student Code of Conduct: (D) Article III. Student conduct standards/prohibited conduct- Bullying and Harassment
Unwelcome or unreasonable behavior that harasses or intimidates people, either as individuals or as a group, and is sufficiently severe or pervasive from both a subjective (the complainant鈥檚) and an objective (reasonable person) viewpoint. Bullying and harassing behavior is often persistent and鈥
3356-4-09: Acceptable Use of University Technology Resources
Examples of Unacceptable Use: ... Using technology resources to engage in fraud, defamatory, abusive, unethical, indecent, obscene, pornographic and/or unlawful activities is prohibited. ... Any form of harassment by electronic means (e.g., email, videoconferencing, web access, phone, paging), whether through language, content鈥
University Housing & Residence Life Resident Handbook: Physical or verbal abuse
You are expected to treat all persons with respect and dignity. You are not permitted to physically or verbally assault any other resident. This includes sexual assault, harassment, and/or threats. Slurs regarding a person鈥檚 identity are considered verbal abuse. All forms of鈥
University Housing & Residence Life Resident Handbook: Care of Your Room
Items, including posters, signs, etc. that may be harassing, derogatory, or obscene to a reasonable person are not allowed in public areas (suite common area doors and walls, hall walls, and outside of room doors).
Student Organization Policies
FIREacting individually or on behalf of a registered student organization/group may distribute written material at designated on-campus locations after reserving those locations with the site administrator.
Policy 3356-2-03: Discrimination/harassment
(2) 鈥淗arassment.鈥 Conduct, or a course of conduct, that degrades or shows hostility toward an individual or group of individuals is based on sex (including pregnancy), race, color, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression, disability, or veteran status鈥