Oregon State University
Public University
Corvallis, Oregon
Speech Code Rating
University Policy 04鈥100: Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment
Discriminatory Harassment. Conduct towards an individual (or group of individuals), based on protected status, that is unwelcome and sufficiently severe or pervasive that: ... a. It creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment in which to work, learn, or participate in a鈥
Student Conduct Code: Offenses Proscribed by the University
6. Harm or Endangerment to Persons. Conduct that causes physical harm or endangers the health or safety of any person. 7. Threats: Written, oral, or physical conduct that causes a reasonable expectation of injury to the health or safety of any person鈥
University Policy 05-001: Sexual Misconduct and Discrimination
Sexual/Gender-Based Harassment. Any unwelcome sexual advance, request for sexual favor, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when: ... Such conduct is sufficiently severe or pervasive that it has the effect, intended or unintended, of unreasonably interfering with an鈥
University Policy 05-001: Sexual Misconduct and Discrimination- Title IX Sexual Harassment
Title IX Sexual Harassment. Any conduct on the basis of sex that satisfies one or more of the following: ... Unwelcome conduct determined by a reasonable person to be so severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it effectively denies a person equal鈥
Office of Institutional Diversity: Bias Incident Response Process
Consistent with the Oregon State's Statement on Freedom of Expression, the BRT does not seek to discipline individuals for expression of views in a manner that is protected by their rights under the free speech clauses of the state and federal constitutions鈥
Equal Opportunity & Access: Bullying Policy
Under this University policy, bullying is prohibited. Bullying is defined as conduct of any sort directed at another that is severe, pervasive or persistent, and is of a nature that would cause a reasonable person in the victim's position substantial emotional distress鈥