
Sexual Harassment Policy 07-08

Glendale Community College

  • Speech Code Category
  • Last updated
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It shall be a violation of Maricopa Community College' Sexual Harassment Policy for any employee, student or campus visitor to:
D. Engage in verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that:

1. Has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an employee's ability to do his or her job; or with a student's ability to learn or participate in a class; or

2. Which creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work or academic environment;
G. Engage in other sexually harassing conduct in the workplace or academic environment, whether physical or verbal, including, but not limited to, commentary about an individual's body (or body parts), sexually degrading words to describe an individual, sexually offensive comments, sexually suggestive language or jokes, innuendoes, and sexually suggestive objects, books, magazines, computer software, photographs, cartoons or pictures.
