
U.S. Department of Educationā€™s Office for Civil Rights: Federal Lawsuit Challenges April 4, 2011, ā€œDear Colleagueā€ Letter


University of Virginia

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FIRE Victory closed

On June 16, 2016, a former University of Virginia School of Law student filed a federal lawsuit challenging the Department of Educationā€™s (EDā€™s) unlawful mandate that colleges abandon due process protections and try sexual misconduct cases using the lowest standard of evidence. FIREand other civil liberties advocates have continually objected to the EDā€™s ā€œpreponderance of the evidenceā€ mandate since its Office for Civil Rights announced the requirement in a 2011 ā€œDear Colleagueā€ letter. Advocates have warned that the letter diminishes accused studentsā€™ due process rights and violates the Administrative Procedure Act. FIREis sponsoring the lawsuit.

Following the September 2017 rescission of the ā€œDear Colleagueā€ letter, this lawsuit was voluntarily withdrawn on February 21, 2018.
