
Cornell University: Student Punished for Posting ā€œZionists must dieā€ on Social Media


Cornell University

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On January 11, 2024, Cornell University announced that a student Maria Lima Valdez ā€œwill be held fully accountable and appropriately sanctionedā€ for her ā€œheinousā€ and ā€œhatefulā€ social media post saying ā€œZionists must die.ā€ Cornell suspended Valdez and banned her from campus on January 16, pending its disciplinary investigation. However, Cornellā€™s free speech policies explicitly protect offensive or hateful speech, and the university did not show how the post falls into any category of unprotected speech. 

FIRE wrote Cornell January 17 calling on the university to refrain from punishing students for passionate and protected political rhetoric on public issues. Cornell failed to respond. On February 17, FIREagain urged Cornell to lift Valdezā€™s suspension because her speech did not pose an immediate danger to campus. Cornell eventually found Valdez not responsible for all disciplinary charges on May 23. 
