Table of Contents
Utilize Media for Campus Advocacy
Research & Learn
Learn how op-eds, press releases, media advisories, and social media campaigns can help you reach your goals on college campuses.

Media Resources

Place an Op-Ed in Your School Newspaper
Placing an op-ed in your college campus newspaper is one of the most effective ways to call attention to a problem and spur action on campus. These tips will help you craft a persuasive argument and convince your campus newspaper to publish your op-ed. After your op-ed is published, send it to FIREstaff!

Get Your Op-Ed In a Professional Publication
A well-placed article can go a long way toward getting people to talk about issues facing campuses. Op-eds are also useful for educating the public about the state of free speech on your campus or nationwide. Before you start writing, read through our tips for writing and placing your op-ed.

Press Release and Media Advisory Tips
Press releases and media advisories are an extraordinarily important tool for bringing attention to a particular issue, or for promoting an event to help drive change on campus. Learn what press releases and media advisories are and how you can use them to reach your goals on campus.

Use Social Media to Bolster Activism
Social media is a tremendous tool in the fight for any cause. Apply these useful tips to increase your social media impact and exponentially expand your reach on campus and in the greater community.
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