
Table of Contents

Tips for Activism

FSN campus activism

Working with Administrators

Do you want on make waves on your campus? If so, you will likely need to develop a working relationship with your school's adminstrators. Follow this guide to learn how best to navigate the process.

Tips for Effective Tabling

Tabling is one of the best ways to spread the word about your group on campus or promote an initiative. After checking out these tips, you'll be on your way to becoming a tabling pro.

How to Build Coalitions on Campus

Building coalitions is key to fostering change on campus. Take advantage of the insights in this guide to learn best practices for reaching out to, and working with diverse groups.

Do's and Don'ts of Activism

Consider this Campus Activism 101. By applying the essentials of campus activism in this guide, you'll be sure to make changes on your campus.

Using Social Media to Bolster Your Activism

Social media is a tremendous tool in the fight for any cause. Apply these useful tips to increase your social media impact and exponentially expand your reach on campus and in the greater community.
