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Letter to Quinnipiac University Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists from Daniel W. Brown, Director, Student Center and Student Leadership Development

September 15, 2008

Ms. Jaclyn Hirsch
Quinnipiac University Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists

Dear Jaclyn,

This letter is a follow up to our conversation on Monday September 15, 2008.  As we discussed this serves as an official warning that any further interaction or endorsements with The QUAD News could result in the Quinnipiac University Chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists losing its recognition status.

Please note that per the 2008-2009 Student Handbook page 33:

An organization without either formal or pro tempore status, or an organization from which recognition has been withdrawn, enjoys no privileges and cannot operate on campus.

The QUAD News is not a recognized student organization therefore does not have any privileges and may not operate on campus.

If you have questions regarding rights and privileges for recognized student organizations please refer to the 2008-2009 Student Handbook which can be found online at MyQ.

Thank you for your cooperation.

For the university,

Daniel W. Brown,
Director, Student Center and Student Leadership Development
