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URI Student Senate Meeting Determines CRsā€™ Fate Tonight

The fate of the University of Rhode Island (URI) College Republicans (CRs) rests on a meeting of the Student Senate tonight. The CRs have been threatened with revocation of their official student group status for advertising a satirical ā€œWhite, Heterosexual, American Maleā€ (WHAM) scholarship for $100. No less than eight letters in support of the CRā€™s right to free expression have been published in The Good Five Cent Cigar, the URI student paper (all links below are to the URI CRsā€™ website because of registration requirements for The Good Five Cent Cigar and The Providence Journal): 

Whatā€™s at stake here is the ability of a student organization at a state institution to express a political viewpoint through a satirical vehicle. An in The Providence Journal today describes the issue precisely:

What URI students should understand is that vigorous debate, and a tolerance for the expression of unpopular ideas, is essential to intellectual and political freedom. Ultimately, the greatest protection for any minority lies in its freedom to get its story outā€”often in the face of government agents who seek to stifle the free flow of information. Unless we wish to live under a totalitarian system, it is crucial that we defend that freedom.

Of course, if the Student Senate does wrongly decide to punish the College Republicans, it will be up to URIā€™s President Carothers to reverse that decision. FIREwill be watching events at URI closely tonight.

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