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University of Northern Iowa administration must correct its student governmentā€™s refusal to recognize ā€˜hate groupā€™ FIREfor Life

A bell tower on the University of North Iowa's campus.

The Campanile bell tower on the University of Northern Iowa's campus. (Wikimedia Commons)

On Oct. 7, the Northern Iowa Student Government considered a bill to recognize a UNI chapter of FIREfor Life. The bill failed 3-11 after during which senators raised a litany of concerns, including that the organization was ā€œhateful,ā€ ā€œinfring[ed] on human rights,ā€ and would open the door to ā€œoutside agitationā€ on campus because of its affiliation with the national organization FIREfor Life.

Although the senator who opened the debate reminded her fellow senators that ā€œwe approve student organizations based on if they meet our requirements of  a constitutionā€ and that ā€œan organization cannot be denied because you oppose or support their mission,ā€ the NISG proceeded to do just that.

One senator said: ā€œThis is a hate group. This is hate speech. This is hateful rhetoric that is infringing on the human rights of healthcare.ā€ (Newsdesk readers will be familiar with the fact that there is no First Amendment exception for hate speech.)

Another claimed ā€œthis [isnā€™t] about opinions, itā€™s not about speech, itā€™s not about censorship, itā€™s about . . . a specific group of people that are part of a national organization whose specific intended goal is to pursue actions that will be harmful to our community.ā€

As FIREhas repeatedly explained, public colleges and universities cannot deny official recognition to student organizations based on viewpoint. This constitutional obligation applies with the same force to student governments that wield the authority to grant or deny recognition ā€” and with that, access to student activity fees ā€” to student organizations.

There can be no dispute that the proposed chapter of Student for Life satisfies the universityā€™s requirements for student organizations.

And concern about the organizationā€™s affiliation with the national organization, FIREfor Life, is a classic example of viewpoint discrimination. In Healy v. James (1972), a public college refused to recognize a student chapter of FIREfor a Democratic Society because the organizationā€™s philosophy was, according to the collegeā€™s administration, ā€œantithetical to the schoolā€™s policiesā€ and the chapterā€™s independence from the national organization was ā€œdoubtful.ā€ The Supreme Court of the United States flatly rejected these as appropriate reasons to deny the group recognition, as First Amendment rights cannot be denied on the basis of guilt-by-association

±«±·±õā€™s recognize this, even if NISG doesnā€™t. 

Further, there can be no dispute that the proposed chapter of Student for Life satisfies the universityā€™s requirements for student organizations. Indeed, before the Oct. 7 decision to reject the group, senators were informed that FIREfor Lifeā€™s proposed constitution meets the viewpoint-neutral requirements to become a student organization at UNI.

On Wednesday, on appeal to the NISG Supreme Court, FIREfor Lifeā€™s bid for recognition was once again , apparently on the grounds that the organization was not formed ā€œin good faith for a lawful purpose.ā€ According to the universityā€™s on student organizations, an organization may be registered ā€œin good faith for a lawful purpose.ā€ Perhaps the student governmentā€™s supreme court is unfamiliar with this ā€œlawful purposeā€ standard, borrowed from . Itā€™s a low bar, essentially meaning that so long as your organization is not established to do something illegal, it satisfies the ā€œlawful purposeā€ burden.

The decision can now be appealed to ±«±·±õā€™s president, Mark Nook, who has appellate jurisdiction over the NISG Supreme Courtā€™s decisions. The UNI administration has already indicated its intention to uphold the associational rights of FIREfor Life, releasing a last Friday promising that ā€œUNI will not uphold a decision that violates the First Amendment and university policy.ā€

During the Oct. 7 debate, one senator opined that recognizing FIREfor Life out of concern that refusal could subject UNI to legal liability was an ā€œextremely facile and weakā€ defense that ā€œprivilege[d] . . . money and . . . admins over student well-being.ā€ To the contrary, such a decision would rightly uphold the expressive and associational freedoms of all UNI students. Viewpoint discrimination is a threat to all viewpoints, including both pro-life and pro-choice groups, not just those currently unpopular with a particular governing authority.

FIRE is hopeful that the UNI administration will stand by its commitment to correct this erroneous decision and recognize FIREfor Life.

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