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ā€˜So to Speakā€™ Podcast: Ken White of ā€˜Popehatā€™ Talks Nat Hentoff, Worst Censors of 2016

Ken White has made a name for himself in First Amendment circles for his particularly astute and often comical on free speech issues for the popular .

An , Ken likes to use his considerable legal chopsā€”heā€™s a 1994 graduate of Harvard Law Schoolā€”to take a rhetorical axe to what he sees as facile arguments in favor of censorship.

Ken is our guest on todayā€™s episode of So to Speak: The Free Speech Podcast. We talk with him about his list of the and spend some time remembering the life of a giant in the free speech world, Nat Hentoff, who passed away this past weekend. Ken also explains how he successfully uses the ā€œā€ to rally attorneys to provide pro bono assistance to people wrapped up in free speech legal battles.

FIRE also did a short video interview with Ken back in 2015, which you can watch here or over on .

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