
Jawboning, book banning, and LeBron James thinks hate speech isn't free speech (also Elon Musk ... again)

So to Speak: The Free Speech PodcastEp. 175
Jawboning, book banning, and LeBron James thinks hate speech isn't free speech (also Elon Musk ... again)

Jawboning, book banning, and LeBron James thinks hate speech isn't free speech (also Elon Musk ... again)

FIRE's new Director of Public Advocacy Aaron Terr and the Cato Institute's Will Duffield join the show to discuss a slew of recent free speech news. California gets it right on rap lyrics but wrong on coronavirus misinformation. One Texas school district repeatedly ventures into book banning. LeBron James spreads "hate speech" misinformation. Is government "jawboning" censorship? And, yes, Elon Musk . . . again.

Show notes:

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