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FIREcalls on University of Toledo to reject proposed policy requiring use of ā€˜chosen first namesā€™

University Hall at The University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio

University Hall at The University of Toledo.

The University of Toledo is considering the adoption of a policy that would require students and faculty to use individualsā€™ ā€œchosen first namesā€ in all communications that occur on campus or in university programs and activities. In a letter sent to UToledo last week, FIREexplained that the First Amendment compels the university to reject the policy, which would prohibit large swaths of protected speech.

The proposed ā€œInclusive Gender Practicesā€ policy has the stated purpose of ā€œvalidating and affirming personal identities,ā€ and it identifies gender identity and gender expression as ā€œkey aspects of diversity, equity, and inclusion.ā€ Much of the policy is unobjectionable from a First Amendment perspective, to the extent it simply encourages the use of preferred pronouns and provides ways for UToledo community members to register their chosen first names online and have them displayed on university ID cards and in various online platforms and directories. The policy defines a personā€™s ā€œchosen first nameā€ as ā€œthe name they choose to be called in day-to-day life,ā€ which may differ from the personā€™s legal first name. 

But the policy oversteps by mandating that students and faculty use only individualsā€™ chosen first names in ā€œall communicationsā€ that occur ā€œin University programs and activities, on University property or at University sponsored events.ā€

For starters, as a public university, UToledo has no authority to regulate student speech based on its message or content unless it falls into one of the few, narrowly defined , such as obscenity, incitement, or true threats. But the chosen first name policy would regulate all manner of student speech that doesnā€™t fall within any First Amendment exception. As FIREtold UToledo:

Emails, social media posts, student newspaper articles, and private conversations would all be subject to the policy. For example, a studentā€™s single personal email that neglects to use an individualā€™s chosen first name would violate the policy and presumably expose the sender to sanctions. A private email would even violate the policy if it referred to a third party without using that personā€™s chosen first name, since the policy is not limited to communications with, or in the presence of, individuals who have different legal and chosen first names. The policy also threatens press freedom, as a student newspaper could run afoul of the policy by publishing an article that mentions an individualā€™s legal first name, even when it is relevant to the story. 

What about the universityā€™s obligation to prevent discriminatory harassment? Persistently calling someone by their non-preferred first name could rise to the level of unprotected harassment if it is part of a pattern of conduct that meets the requiring the speech to be unwelcome, discriminatory on the basis of gender or another protected status, and ā€œso severe, pervasive, and objectively offensive that it can be said to deprive the victims of access to the educational opportunities or benefits provided by the school.ā€ Mere offense or discomfort is not enough, and the ā€œInclusive Gender Practicesā€ policy is not carefully drawn to prohibit only unlawful harassment or other unprotected expression.

The policy is also overbroad with respect to faculty speech ā€” especially when it comes to extramural expression, where the universityā€™s interest in policing speech is at its nadir. As we said in our letter, UToledo ā€œcan no more bar faculty from ever using an individualā€™s legal first name than it could forbid them from referring to administrators as ā€˜Big Brother.ā€™ā€ Faculty members, like students, would violate the policy for posting a single tweet or blog entry that fails to use an individualā€™s first name, regardless of context, if the speech occurs on university grounds.

Even as applied to classroom speech, the proposed policy raises First Amendment issues, particularly in light of the recent decision in . In that case, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit, whose decisions are on UToledo, reinstated a professorā€™s First Amendment lawsuit against Shawnee State University, which had punished him for refusing to use a studentā€™s preferred pronouns. The court noted the professorā€™s First Amendment interests were ā€œespecially strongā€ because titles and pronouns carry an ideological message with which faculty may disagree, and Shawnee Stateā€™s pronoun policy potentially compelled speech on a matter of public concern. The universityā€™s interest in punishing the professor was ā€œcomparatively weak,ā€ particularly given that he had offered a compromise of referring to a transgender student in his class by the studentā€™s last name.

The Sixth Circuit also made clear that, absent more, the professorā€™s refusal to use a studentā€™s preferred pronouns could not amount to discrimination or hostile environment harassment. The court said harssment required that ā€œoneā€™s educational experience be permeated with discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, and insult that is sufficiently severe or pervasive so as to alter the conditions of the victimā€™s educational environment.ā€ 

Again, UToledoā€™s proposed policy does not narrowly and precisely target speech that rises to the level of unlawful harassment. And because the policy is expressly premised on ideas about gender identity and expression that are a matter of public debate, it raises similar concerns about compelled speech that animated the Sixth Circuitā€™s decision in Meriwhether. This doesnā€™t leave the university without any options. As ¹ū¶³“«Ć½app¹Ł·½ā€™s letter explained:

UToledo may certainly promote its own views about gender identity and expression, offer ways for students and faculty to identify their chosen first names, and ensure those names are used in university IDs, directories, and other institutional resources or communications where names are displayed. But while UToledo is free to tailor its own institutional speech in this way, it generally may not prescribe the specific content of faculty speech.

FIRE calls on UToledo to reject the proposed ā€œInclusive Gender Practicesā€ policy unless it is amended to avoid this unconstitutional overreach. UToledo is on the policy until March 21. FIREwill be watching closely to see what the university decides.

FIRE defends the rights of students and faculty members ā€” no matter their views ā€” at public and private universities and colleges in the United States. If you are a student or a faculty member facing investigation or punishment for your speech, submit your case to FIREtoday. If youā€™re faculty member at a public college or university, call the Faculty Legal Defense Fund 24-hour hotline at 254-500-FLDF (3533).

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