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Due Process and Clarity Suffer in Fedsā€™ Push to Address Campus Sexual Assault

Like many others, I grew up watching the by Boston PBS megastation WGBH. I was therefore excited to have an about the due process and clarity problems presented by the recommendations in Tuesdayā€™s report from the White House Task Force to Protect FIREfrom Sexual Assault. The issue of how colleges can or should comply with Title IX is especially important in the Boston area, as Tufts University is currently struggling with the confusing, conflicting, and poorly communicated demands of the federal government when it comes to Title IX issues. As I say in the op-ed:

The governmentā€™s latest effort to ā€œclarifyā€ the issue consisted of the task forceā€™s , a new website at , a 37-page template for ā€œ,ā€ a , a , and, to top it off, a 53-page from OCR that is supposed to help explain how to apply the 47-page ā€œblueprintā€ for sexual misconduct procedures promulgated last year as well as the 19-page ā€œDear Colleagueā€ letter about the subject from 2011. And more documents are promised soon.

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