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DePaul University Revokes Vague Ban on ā€˜Propagandaā€™


CHICAGO, January 6, 2006ā€”Under pressure from the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (¹ū¶³“«Ć½app¹Ł·½), DePaul University has lifted a vague ban on ā€œpropagandaā€ that it used last fall to silence student protest of a campus appearance by controversial University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill.

ā€œThe revocation of the ā€˜propagandaā€™ ban is a step in the right direction for DePaul,ā€ said FIREInterim President Greg Lukianoff. ā€œYet DePaulā€™s disregard for freedom of expression reaches far beyond this one policy. The true test will be how DePaul reacts the next time students attempt to express dissenting opinions.ā€

DePaulā€™s College Republicans (CRs) suffered censorship last October after they opposed the universityā€™s invitation to Churchill to lecture and lead a student workshop. To protest the events, the CRs produced flyers recounting some of Churchillā€™s controversial remarks. When the CRs submitted the flyers for approval, administrators responded first by misleading the CRs into thinking that the event was cancelled, then by invoking a policy that stated, ā€œWe do not approve propaganda.ā€ The students, who did not believe that quoting a personā€™s own remarks was ā€œpropaganda,ā€ posted the flyers anyway, leading to a formal warning from DePaul and a surreptitious addition to the policy saying that posters could be used only to promote events, not to protest them.

The CRs contacted ¹ū¶³“«Ć½app¹Ł·½, and on November 23, 2005, FIRE wrote a letter to DePaul President Dennis Holtschneider, pointing out that the vague and constantly shifting ban on ā€œpropagandaā€ gave administrators the unfettered power to censor student speech at will.  Holtschneider replied on December 12, incorrectly asserting that no DePaul policies mentioned the word ā€œpropagandaā€ and stating that the policy prohibits the denunciation of any speaker appearing at DePaul. Yet FIREā€™s research shows that not only did the ā€œpropagandaā€ ban exist, but the stipulation that flyers may only ā€œpromote eventsā€ appeared in the policy after the College Republicansā€™ flyers were denied approval.

FIRE brought DePaulā€™s shifting policies to public attention in a press release on December 21. Several hours later, Holtschneider contacted ¹ū¶³“«Ć½app¹Ł·½ to say that an addendum had indeed been ā€œrecently added indicating that flyers promoting ā€˜propagandaā€™ will not be acceptedā€ and that he had ā€œasked for it to be removed.ā€ Holtschneider went on affirm ā€œDePaulā€™s respect for freedom of speech and role in providing outlets for conversations between individuals with a variety of viewpoints.ā€

The propaganda ban was not DePaulā€™s only attack on freedom of expression. For instance, DePaulā€™s Cultural Center actually changed the attendance requirements for the Churchill-led ā€œMulticultural Human Rights Workshopā€ to exclude the CRs. Although the event was originally advertised on the Cultural Center website as open to all ā€œstudent groups,ā€ after the CRs expressed interest in attending, the Cultural Center altered its website to limit the event to ā€œStudent Organizations which are supported by the Cultural Centerā€™s Allocation Fund,ā€ a group that did not include the CRs.  DePaul is also being sued by ex-professor Thomas Klocek, who was suspended without due process after an out-of-class argument with Palestinian students.

ā€œIn the past year, DePaul has punished one professor for his private expression, arbitrarily censored student protest, and made several attempts to rewrite history in the process,ā€ said Lukianoff. ā€œDePaulā€™s students and faculty will need to practice constant vigilance to ensure that the university lives up to its promises of free speech and open dialogue.ā€

FIRE is a nonprofit educational foundation that unites civil rights and civil liberties leaders, scholars, journalists, and public intellectuals from across the political and ideological spectrum on behalf of individual rights, due process, freedom of expression, academic freedom, and rights of conscience at our nationā€™s colleges and universities. ¹ū¶³“«Ć½app¹Ł·½ā€™s efforts to preserve liberty at DePaul University can be viewed at thefire.org/depaul.

Greg Lukianoff, Interim President, ¹ū¶³“«Ć½app¹Ł·½: 215-717-3473; greg_lukianoff@thefire.org
Rev. Dennis H. Holtschneider, President, DePaul University: 312-362-8000; dholtsch@depaul.edu

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