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The invaluable Daphne Patai, who serves on ¹ū¶³“«Ć½app¹Ł·½ā€™s Board of Directors, recently sent me some interesting thoughts on the abuse of ā€œdispositionsā€ and other vague, political standards in the modern academy. As loyal Torch readers know, students like Ed Swan at Washington State University and Bill Felkner at Rhode Island College have been the victims of universitiesā€™ attempts to require students to show a commitment to concepts like ā€œsocial justiceā€ seemingly without understanding that no two people likely agree exactly on what terms like that even mean. Such standards are an excuse for, and an invitation to, establishing official political orthodoxies in academiaā€”and only impoverish the academyā€™s ā€œmarketplace of ideas.ā€ Here is what Daphne recommends to students faced by these attempts at imposing ideological uniformity:

In this age of challenging binaries, polarities, and other fixed categories, it would be hard for most academics (adhering as they do to postmodernist intellectual games) to defend equating ā€œsocial justiceā€ or a ā€œprogressiveā€ disposition with their particular politics (in opposition to some other purported politics) without falling into major intellectual contradictions. Classical liberals have no trouble making such distinctions, but few adherents to a ā€œsocial justiceā€ or ā€œdispositionsā€ agenda these days would label themselves as classical liberals. 

Given this reality, one obvious way of undermining current campus orthodoxies is for students to use their wit and ingenuity to act on their own visions of what ā€œsocial justiceā€ or a ā€œprogressiveā€ agenda might be. I.e., since when is fighting censorship not progressive? Or defending high intellectual standards and refusing to reduce them all to politics? Or working for some political party that may not be the one supported by oneā€™s professors? Is there anyone in the country who does not believe their own politics promote ā€œsocial justice?ā€ Itā€™s not the label, but its definitionā€”which have been narrowed in a way incompatible with genuine education (vs. indoctrination)ā€”that is the problem. Why should students (or anyone) allow an institution to determine which of their activities, dispositions, and endeavors are appropriate to someone elseā€™s understanding of ā€œsocial justice?ā€ To capitulate to this seems to be giving up before the fight has even begun. 

So, next time students are told they must participate in a ā€œprogressiveā€ internship, promote ā€œsocial justice,ā€ or have their ā€œprofessional dispositionā€ evaluatedā€”I propose that they not waste time challenging the labels but focus quickly on their own definitions of such activities and proceed to creatively comply with the assignment. Iā€™d like to see a school actually punish someone who complies with the schoolsā€™ apparent demands but infuses them with their own politics and ethics. This would certainly be a clarifying exercise.

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