
Acceptable Use Policy

University of Southern California

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    Internet Usage Policies
  • Last updated
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Junk Email: Unwanted or unsolicited email, typically in the form of advertising or promotional material

Covered individuals will: . . .

5.5 Not interfere with the normal functioning of USC-Owned Technology Resources, adversely affect the ability of others to use these technology resources, or harm others.  . . .

5.9 Not use any USC-Owned Technology Resources to . . . abuse . . . USC or any of its students, partners, affiliates, or workforce as defined in USC handbooks and policies. Nothing in this policy is designed or intended to interfere with, restrain, or prevent employee communications regarding wages, hours, or other terms and conditions of

5.10 Not use USC-Owned Technology Resources to promote or maintain business for solely personal gain or compose or forward chain letters or offensive jokes. . . . 

Acceptable use of USC email services. Covered Individuals will: . . .

5.19 Not send inappropriate information or Junk Email via email to other USC Covered Individuals, including but not limited to fraudulent, malicious, phishing, and/or spam emails.
