
The Pennbook: Poster Policy - Instructions for Residential Posting

University of Pennsylvania

  • Speech Code Rating
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    Posting and Distribution Policies
  • Last updated
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Think before you post. College Houses defend the right of free speech and expression on campus and actively promotes the civil exchange of ideas. In the spirit of the latter aim, students are urged to reconsider creating and distributing posters or flyers containing material or language that could be construed as malicious toward or dangerous to other responsible members of the University community.

** Unauthorized posters may, at the discretion of residential staff, be removed. In all cases, the above policy will be implemented within the framework and spirit of the Code of Student Conduct, which defines the general rights and responsibilities of student citizenship in the Penn community, and where appropriate, the Charter of the University of Pennsylvania Student Disciplinary System, which sets forth the processes for disciplinary action against students and organizations.

Pursuant to the Code of Student Conduct (Sec. III.d), "the content of student speech or expression is not by itself a basis for disciplinary action, and no posters shall be prohibited or restricted solely on the basis of their content, except when they may violate other applicable laws or regulations.
