
Equity, Inclusion & Community Impact: Guiding Principles

University of Cincinnati

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    Policies on Tolerance, Respect, and Civility
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In embracing our roles within this learning community, we subscribe to the defining purposes, traditions and diversity of the University of Cincinnati. Through our actions, we will strive to make the University of Cincinnati a more caring and just community.

As members of this community, we will

  • Accept Responsibility by striving to build a learning community committed to these common values and principles.
  • Celebrate the Uniqueness of Each Individual by respecting individual differences and promoting common interests.
  • Embrace Freedom and Openness by working to create an environment that is safe and affirming, one that nurtures independent thinking and the free and open expression of ideas.
  • Practice Civility by extending to those we meet the same respect, cooperation and caring that we expect from others.
  • Promote Justice by working to build a learning environment that offers everyone an equal opportunity to grow, flourish and contribute.
  • Pursue Learning and Scholarship by building on successes, learning from mistakes and pursuing quality in teaching, research and creative endeavors.
  • Seek Integrity by aspiring to the highest moral and ethical standards.
  • Strive for Excellence by aspiring to achieve our fullest potential in our educational and personal pursuits.