
Student Life & Conduct: Posting Policy

University of Chicago

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
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Members of the University community may publicize their events or causes in designated areas on campus through several methods (see Special Mention section for information on chalking, leaflets, online calendars and table tents). The form and content of the publicity will not be restricted, unless it violates the law, falsely defames a specific individual, constitutes a genuine threat or harassment, unjustifiably invades substantial privacy or confidentiality interests, or is otherwise directly incompatible with the functioning of the University.


Anonymous postings that appear under a pseudonym or that do not include clear and unambiguous identifying information about the group or person responsible for them are allowed in designated areas in the Reynolds Club only. These postings must be dated and will be removed one week after posting. Anonymous postings must also adhere to all other guidelines described in this policy. Due to space constraints, anonymous postings must be placed only on designated bulletin boards and may not exceed one posting per event or cause.
