
Middlebury College Handbook: I.C.4. Demonstration Regulations

Middlebury College

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    Protest and Demonstration Policies
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1. Anyone who wishes to hold a demonstration or protest on Middlebury property, whether or not it is in response to another event, must submit an Event Scheduling Request. This is required in order for Middlebury staff and relevant offices to review the event to determine whether there are safety or other operational considerations that should be addressed.

2. After submitting an Event Scheduling Request, Events Management staff will facilitate a meeting with the Event Sponsor(s), Public Safety (Vermont-based campuses) or Campus Security (Middlebury Institute campus), and other offices, as appropriate, to review Middlebury policies, these Regulations, and safety and operational issues in general. 


(8) Event Sponsors are required to participate in meetings and discussions needed to plan for the safety and security of an event, as well as to respond in a timely way to email and other communications from Events Management, Public Safety/Campus Security, the office of the VPSA and others. Failure to communicate appropriately and participate in necessary planning may result in Middlebury declining to provide the resources to support the Event Sponsor鈥檚 requested event.
