
Guidelines on Distribution of Printed Material on the LSU Campus

Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
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LSU is committed to the First Amendment and the free speech values it embodies.


Distribution of printed material on campus is subject to the following review and approval process.


FIRE and student organizations

a. The Office of Campus Life oversees distribution of printed material on campus by students and recognized student organizations and is responsible, with appropriate involvement from other components of the LSU Division of Student Life & Enrollment, for enforcing LSU鈥檚 policies in this area as they pertain to students and recognized student organizations. 

b. Recognized student organizations must obtain approval from the Office of Campus Life before distributing printed material on campus.

c. Individual students acting solely on their own behalf do not need prior approval to distribute printed material to other individuals on campus by personally offering to hand it to them, outside of the areas designated in section A.2, above.

d. Individual students acting solely on their own behalf must obtain prior approval from the Office of Campus Life before distributing material in any other manner.

e. In general, the following guidelines will apply to distribution of printed material by students. However, the Vice Chancellor for Student Life & Enrollment shall have authority to impose additional requirements or waive these guidelines in order to promote the best interests of LSU.

i. No fliers, brochures, cards, or other printed material may be placed on car windshields.

ii. Advertising for student events, groups, and activities will generally be permitted, subject to reasonable restrictions to protect the interests of LSU as described in section A.3.

iii. No printed material may be offered for sale without express approval pursuant to this section B.2.
