
Harvard University Non-Discrimination Policy - Discriminatory Harassment

Harvard University

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    Harassment Policies
  • Last updated
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Discriminatory harassment is unwelcome and offensive conduct that is based on an individual or group’s protected status. Discriminatory harassment may be considered to violate this policy when it is so severe or pervasive, and objectively offensive, that it creates a work, educational, or living environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive and denies the individual an equal opportunity to participate in the benefits of the workplace or the institution’s programs and activities. These factors will be considered in assessing whether discriminatory harassment violates this policy: 

• Frequency of the conduct 

• Severity and pervasiveness of the conduct 

• Whether it is physically threatening 

• Degree to which the conduct interfered with an employee’s work performance or a student’s academic performance or ability to participate in or benefit from academic/campus programs and activities 

• The relationship between the alleged harasser and the subject or subjects of the harassment

