
Student Handbook: Campus Publicity and Display Policy

DePauw University

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
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1. All posted advertising, promotional, informational materials, or displays should clearly state or include the official name of the recognized student organization, agency, department, or individual sponsoring the event/program or responsible for the message. Publicity materials or displays that do not reflect this information will be removed. DePauw faculty, staff, or students  may post materials promoting a cause and/or informational materials without identifying information on the designated bulletin board within the Student Union for up to five business days.
2. All publicity materials designed for indoor display are restricted to designated permanent bulletin boards or poster kiosks unless there is prior approval from a sponsoring department within the building. Sponsors shall limit postings to one (1) copy of each flyer per bulletin board. Multiple postings will be removed. Residence hall and Rector Village approval is through the Housing and Residence Life office. All other locations are approved through the Office of Campus Activities. Determinations of what violates these guidelines will be made on a content- and viewpoint-neutral basis.
3. Outdoor displays and publicity are not to be placed or affixed in any way to sidewalks, lampposts, trash cans, benches, doors, glass surfaces, windows, walls, or other surfaces. Any materials affixed to these surfaces will be removed.
4. All sidewalk chalking must be water-based white or colored chalk and on horizontal surfaces only. Chalking must be clear of any overhang or awning so that it can be washed away by rain. Sidewalk chalk that interferes with use or other needs for the sidewalks may be removed by Facilities Management.


7. Lamppost banner displays are typically used for School of Music and Administrative banners. Limited use may be available to Student Organizations in special circumstances. Student organizations should contact the Office of Campus Activities with any further inquiries and for additional direction regarding their request.


9. Non-DePauw University sponsors may display publicity materials on the Community Board, located in the Memorial Student Union Building by the lower level south stairs. Posted materials must have sponsor information and expiration date clearly marked. DePauw student organizations are asked not to post on this board.


14. All posted advertising, promotional, informational materials or displays must adhere to the University Code of Conduct and state and federal laws. While it is neither possible nor necessary to specify every instance in which a display on campus might be in violation of the University Code of Conduct, the following list includes examples of additional policies you should make sure your displace/advertising is in compliance with: Academic Integrity policy, Harassment Policy, Alcohol Beverage Policy, Policy on the Use of Drugs, Fire Safety Policy, Electronics Communication Policy.
