
Campus Regulations: Time, Place and Manner- Distribution of Printed Non-Commercial Material

California State University - Long Beach

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    Posting and Distribution Policies
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Non-commercial printed material may be distributed on University property or at official University functions subject to the following provisions:

1. On University grounds that are generally open to the public (as specified in this regulation), literature may be distributed as follows:
• The free flow of pedestrian and vehicular traffic is not obstructed or impeded
• Printed material is not forced upon others
• Printed material shall not be placed on or in vehicles parked on University property
• Persons distributing printed material shall be responsible to ensure the printed material does not litter the area of distribution
• Tables and portable (i.e., hand carried) displays used to facilitate distribution may be placed on only paved pedestrian walkways and may not block walkways or entrances to buildings or otherwise impede the free flow of traffic. Tables or portable displays must be attended at all times by the individuals or groups sponsoring the distribution, and such individuals or groups must ensure the printed material they are distributing does not litter the area.
